i feel bothered.
my spirit unsettle on an issue.
or rather, a few.
i was browsing through cbc's news this morning and came across the numbers of people that have died in iraq in the last 3 years. it around, if not more then 60,000 civilians. 60,000 civilians. then i continued to search through other war-torn countries.
12,000 dead in kosovo
70,000 in darfur in the sudan
250,000 in bosnia
800,000 in rwanda
and let me not forget the most horrific since WWII...........
3.8 million people died in the democratic republic of congo between august 1998 to april 2004 (1000 people per day half of which were children under the age of 5)
i don't really know what to say.
what can i say to it.
people have died all over the world to natural disasters such as the hurricanes in indonesia which is horrible in itself....and yet, you can't stop the weather. could war have been stopped?
i mentioned the death toll of people in iraq to a couple of guys that do some work for us. the first comment was...."population control."
then i asked these two guys what they thought of the hanging of saddam hussein. and the response was...."i think they should bring capital punishment back permenantly".
i still don't know what to say. except that my heart aches. how is any of this justified? how can anyone point a gun at another, and kill them? how can we say that capital punishment is okay? i agree with
dale when he mentions in his blog on saddam hussein... "Look, by rights everyone of us should hang. There but for the GRACE of God go I."
the millions killed aren't just numbers, they are people. and those behind these atrocious crimes....are people too. and above it all, God created each of us in his image. attempt to grasp that. not only does God love me but he also loves saddam hussein......
God please help us........
Jesus we need you more the breath itself.......
and as cliche as it is......
we truly are lost without you............