One more voice...

In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice. ~Richard Bach

Friday, November 17, 2006

wide eyed ...part 1

so i've been working as the receptionist for this flooring install company for almost 3 months now. (quite the commitment wouldn't you say?)and i'll be honest it has been jaw dropping. as most of you know, i have spent much of the past number of years, working at camp evergreen. camp evergreen, if you didn't know, is a very sheltered community. yes, they do have guest groups coming through during the year but you still don't experience very much of the secular world. many people lovingly call it "a bubble". and being in calgary right now has taken me far away from "the bubble". i once again realize how ignorant i am to secular society. Why? well for many many reasons. i've come face to face with every possible conversation and situation...relatively speaking.

obsessive gossiping and laughter about the individual in discussion
total disgust for their jobs
potty mouths...every swear in the book
no respect for the sanctity of marriage
no respect for individuals
and definitely no respect for sex
hypocracy. utter hypocracy.
smoke breaks every half an hour..everybody does it

honestly, its a different world to me. the way people think, what people value...not that it is bad but it is definitely so different to all i know and understand in my life. its really hard to wrap my head around it but what i understand is relative to my experience and my background and the same goes for everyone else that works here.
but as much as its a different world, somehow i'm a part of it, i can't explain it, and i respect it.

no one beats around the bush
people seem to be so genuine
opinions are expressed and for the most part, respected
laughter is a constant companion
everyone is welcome
everyone feels accepted in some way
help is always offered

my question is, is there any difference between a secular community and a christian community? if we are honest, is there any difference? if i put a christian beside a non-christian, is there a visible difference besides the stuck up nose. i'm torn.

**right now i need to say that this is not intended to offend anyone. i feel convicted and guilty of how i live my life and so i am just writing my thoughts. i guess i just want to take an example of one of my cooworkers...i'm not going to beat around the bush with this stuff....its too important. i would value your thoughts and emotions as i continue......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess that just means one thing...come back to the bubble...the bubble is calling you...

naw, seriously though - i have always felt more accepted, respected, cared for, loved, my non-christian rugby friends (the more immoral people i know). they love having fun, laughing, and fellowshiping. why is it that i feel so crappy around 75% of christians that i know? when you figure out what makes us christians hesitant to live out love and joy without all the rest of the crap...let me know.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that I haven't spoken to you in a while but, I just wanted to say hi.
I honestly wish I could say that if you did put a Christian beside a non-Christian that there would be a difference, a visible difference. Unfortunately, I think for the majority of us (myself included) for the majority of the time, this just isn't the case. Unfortunate? Yes, very much so. How can we expect to make a difference with others if we can't even notice a difference within ourselves?

7:00 PM  
Blogger vicky said...

who are you leenes?

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vicky...Leenes is Aileen. Answer everything?

8:29 PM  
Blogger vicky said...

sweet. hi aileen. good to hear from you again. have a great week out there.

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww the christian bubble how I spent almost five years ...-luKe

12:04 AM  

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