One more voice...

In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice. ~Richard Bach

Friday, February 02, 2007

my coffee cup said it

These 2 things that i've read the past couple of days really slapped me in the face. I'll explain why soon. But not now.

The Way I See It #185---coffee cup
"A valuable lesson I've learned from making music is to never let anyone intimidate me. Every student, celebrity, CEO and math teacher in the world has experienced love, loneliness, fear and embarassment at some point. To understand this is to level an often very lopsided playing field."

The Alchemist--By Paulo Coelho
"Dreams are impossible when you fear failure."


Blogger Innergypsy Design said...

starbucks? vicky...

10:10 AM  
Blogger vicky said...

ker, i just can't help it when i have so many friends that work there and they all score me some free coffee. thats just the way it goes. i won't defend myself. hahaha

10:50 AM  
Blogger Increasing... said...

starbucks? vicky...

11:54 PM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Yes Hello!

Oh I do miss you, but I love to read your writing. Wait a minute, how did I find this you ask? Well it was a clever combination of me knowing you had a blog.. and this being the only site I know of.

This writing of yours intrigues me

much love

9:07 AM  

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