self check outs
coffee shop drive thrus
and pay at the pump
automated banking
online schooling
and vending machines
what do all these things have in common? its painfully obvious yet they crept in so quietly and so "convenient". our society (the western one i mean) is slowly destroying every ounce of human interaction for the sake of convenience, efficiency, and development. we've lost perspective. its gone.
we've replaced conversation with square screened addictions
we've replaced family game night with remote controls
we've replaced smiles and hand shakes with automated transactions
we've replaced laughter with "lol"
we've replaced quality with accessibility
we've replaced trust with digital promises
we've replaced parents with numbing distrations
we've replaced relationships with msn
we've replaced friendship with chat rooms
we've replaced people with machines
we are ok with this?
so perhaps we've taken a step towards creating a smaller world and a utopia of information but in the context of social interaction and human necessity we are taking a large step backwards.
do you wonder why there are so many homeless?
do you wonder why kids are undisciplined?
do you wonder why people are so lonely?
do you wonder where the suicide rate is going?
do you wonder why there are so many people socially constipated?
do you wonder why faces are so empty?
again, we've been fooled by the electronic world. instead of promoting God's original plan of relationship we've swept it off the step and under the carpet.
there is so much wealth at our fingertips and yet every single person does everything they can to avoid interacting with another. in a sense we are starving ourselves. and just like those hungry children in africa, our stomachs are bloated with gluttony for progress and our vision is tunnelled. its a backwards cycle that will only lead to our demise. we were created for eachother and now we walk as glazed eyed robots.
whats wrong with a simple conversation
a smile at your teller
a moment to step inside
and see the bigger picture
quench your thirst for interaction
and give in to the temptation
to talk to a stranger
risk a turned head
or a frown
at least you haven't closed
the door
open it wide
and welcome the pain that looms
its speaks of life
and effort understood
shake off the painted smile
and robotic responses
come alive
come alive
with the knowledge
that you are.........
changing the world.
.........................this is my petition